Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Will Your Children Survive the Blizzard

If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him  I John 2:15
Blizzards often completely paralyze the activities of city and country areas, and cause death to those caught without warm shelter or food. Many people in the United States have died from blizzards. In 1940, when I was a little girl living in Oklahoma, 144 people froze to death when a cold Arctic front swept across the Mid-west. In 1958, there were 171 deaths in the Northeast; also, in the same area 100 died in 1996.  New York lost 400 people to a blizzard in 1988. In 1993, 200 died in the Eastern part of our country. That is records of some of the worst blizzards in the U. S. But Europe records loosing 1000 as the result of only one blizzard.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

To My Posterity and All the World

“Where there is living people there is hope.”

What advice would you pass along to your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren? What have you learned that you would like to share? 200 years from now the children in your family may be learning from your wisdom. You can influence strengthening and advise your family for many generations. When they read this page what advice would you give them?