Saturday, March 14, 2015

To My Posterity and All the World

“Where there is living people there is hope.”

What advice would you pass along to your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren? What have you learned that you would like to share? 200 years from now the children in your family may be learning from your wisdom. You can influence strengthening and advise your family for many generations. When they read this page what advice would you give them?

My advice to all future generations is : Always remember Manasseh a character in the Bible. He was king of Judah and he lead the people of Judah into worshiping idols. He experienced witchcraft, did enchantment and he sought advice from wizards. In later years, he was captured by an enemy, chained and carried to Babylon. During this terrible trouble he humbled himself and prayed. God delivered him; and he turned his country back to God this is found in the second book of Chronicles chapter 23.

Always remember that no matter what sins you have committed, God will forgive when you humble yourself and pray. Then you can help others turn around.
Other Advice;
1.  Always believe God created all things. 
2.  Love and reverence this God. ”He that loves not; knoweth not God, for God is love." I John 4:8.
3.  Trust the Bible to be Gods message to man. 
4.  Rely on the truth that you are made in God’s image. This will give you strength to overcome every sin. 
5.  Seek God's approval on every major decision in your life

If my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren were sitting around my rocking chair I would say, “I love each of you and wish I could help each of you with your particular problems. I would love to hold each one on my lap and shield you from suffering. Of course, I can’t. Aside from that, the wind and the storms are what makes a strong tree.

I know God will make you strong to conquer the obstructions. Don't trust yourself, trust the great Creator who can do all things. Every obstacle you conquer, will make you stronger for the next. So keep climbing up as you go through life. If you fall, –get yourself up, dust off and go again; ever climbing upward.

The eggs of the cicada locust hatch in a tree. It falls to the ground where it enters the soil and stays until it is fully developed. This takes from 2 to 17 years (depending upon the species of  cicada). When the insect is develop it crawls out of the earth and finds a tree. Step-by-step the bug moves up the tree. If he loses his grip on the tree bark, he starts again, always moving upward until he finds this tree home.

So we humans must always be moving upward, always upward until we get to our final heavenly home.

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